Welcome, friends & alumni!

Walk with USI students on their journeys of faith through community engagement, networking events, and the ongoing support and development of our community’s ministry and mission. We’d love to hear from you! Get Connected with the form below.

Who We Are

  • Eagle Catholic is the University of Southern Indiana’s Catholic Campus Ministry and Newman Community (we don’t call ourselves a “Newman Center” because we don’t have a physical building on campus— yet!). Visiting campus? Stop by our office in the Recreation, Fitness and Wellness Center!

  • FOCUS Missionaries are part of the ministry team with a simple focus: Make disciples for Christ. USI is blessed with 4 young adult missionaries who invite people into a relationship with Jesus in the Catholic Church. Then, they accompany them and ultimately equip them to share their faith with others too. Support a FOCUS Missionary here!

What Alumni & friends can expect

When you join the Alumni & Friends community, you’ll receive:

  • Our latest news & initiatives sent straight to your inbox

  • Invites to 4 alumni-and-friends events each school year

  • Semesterly recaps and highlights

Bonus opportunities

If you’re in the Evansville area and would like to help provide Brunch to our students on a Sunday this coming semester, learn more here.

If you’d like to be part of the up-and-coming Alumni & Friends Planning Committee, reach out to Anna Schulten at aschulten@evdio.org or schedule a meeting with Anna here.

Thank you for your support as we accompany students in deepening their relationship with Jesus!

Get Connected

Sign up for our newsletter (6 - 8 emails per year)

You can Make an impact today!

Support our mission (serving students today and in the future) by prayerfully considering a donation to our ministry.

We gather for Mass & Brunch almost every Sunday throughout the school year. Learn more about how to host meals for students!

On the Diocesan website, click the “Campus Ministry” button and follow the prompts.

On the Catholic Foundation website, choose “A Specific Fund” and select “Charlie Pride USI Newman Catholic Community Alumni.”

Pray for our students

A Novena to St. John Henry Newman

Almighty God and Father, we give You thanks for blessing the Church with the witness of Saint John Henry Newman, through whom shines Your fatherly care, the Truth of Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of conversion.

In him You have given us an example of trust in Your divine Providence and the intercession of the Virgin Mary. In him You have raised up a holy example of fidelity to the timeless teachings of Holy Mother Church.

With a special love for Catholic education, and due warning against the errors of relativism, Your servant John Henry Newman is a shining example for our times.

Grant us we beseech You, through his intercession, and according to Your holy will, the renewal of faithful Catholic education and fidelity to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source: Novena to St. John Henry Newman

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Check out our latest monthly recap of News & Events on Instagram @usi_newman