Mass & Brunch
Sunday Mass at 9:30am, Brunch at 10:30am.
Location: St. Philip (Google Map).
We meet every Sunday during the school year (except for holiday break weekends).
We coordinate a weekly carpool from campus. Join our GroupMe to catch a ride.
Everything we do as Catholics is centered on Jesus. By receiving Jesus in the Eucharist, we receive the living Christ. We worship together and then we go out and bring him to others.
Eagle Catholic’s goal is this: Worship. Together. That “together” means breaking down the siloes between Sunday, Wednesday, and Bible studies. When we grow together, we're sent on mission together. It's more than weekly events: it's a way of life.
Reasons to move to St. Philip’s for Mass:
1. Mass is meant to be celebrated in a community. We, the people who worship together, are the Church, and the body of Christ is not made up of only college students. We need to witness our faith to older and younger generations, and they need to witness their faith to us. We make each other saints.
2. St. Philip’s is a real, actual church building. Why does this matter? It’s true, you can celebrate Mass almost anywhere. The Church is the body of Christ, the people. But the church is also the building.
Theology moment: A church building is “a sign and symbol of heavenly realities.” (GIRM 288). A symbol points to a reality (hey, look at that), but in Catholic terms, a sign makes present the reality it signifies.
This means that the church building itself makes heavenly realities present here on earth. It's a reminder of heaven and literally a space for us to experience it more deeply.
Kleymeyer Hall can't do that. Neither does the Griffin Center, or Carter Hall, or the Cone. Jesus is still present with us there, but a church building itself brings us closer to God. And that matters. (More: CCC 1179-1186)
3. The 3rd commandment: “Keep holy the Sabbath.” Workaholism is today’s cultural virtue, and busyness is a badge of honor. But as Catholics, we’ve got to be better about intentionally taking a break on Sundays. It's not just a nice idea. GOD LITERALLY SAID SO. We live the 3rd commandment by going to Mass, practicing holy leisure (for us, that means a brunch with friends), and doing works of mercy. (CCC 2177-2187)
4. Some practical reasons: the parishioners want us there. They’ve already opened up daily Mass to us, and we have connections with Fr. Ryan and Deacon Charlie. They also have a kitchen so we can do Sunday brunch there, free for you, every single Sunday. Not a potluck. Just show up and eat. Finally, St. Philip’s is close to USI (it’s exactly as close as the local Chick-Fil-A. I checked).
Daily Mass
(this list was last updated January 2025. Check the parish bulletins to confirm Mass & confession times.)
Sacred Heart (Mondays)
Monday 6:30pm Adoration & Confession, 7:30pm Mass
Sacred Heart / St. Boniface bulletin
Mass on Campus (Wednesdays)
RFW 133
Adoration and Confession 4:00pm, Mass 5:00pm
St. Philip (Tuesday and Thursdays)
Tuesday 6:00pm Mass
Thursday 5:00pm Adoration & Confession, 6:00pm Mass
Wednesday and Friday 7:45am
Browse all area Mass times at masstimes.org